Thursday, May 20, 2010


i Love peackocks.(:

Peackock's are most known for their beautiful tails, with bright colored feathers, mostly bright shades of blue and green. Their tails are mosre than 60% of their full body length.

The name "peackock" is usually a term used for a bird that is both sexes but a peacocks are only males. The females are named peahens and lok a little different.

Their average lifespand in the wild is usually about 20 years.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


i chose to do a sloth because i love the movie ice age and of course my favorite character is Sid and he was sort of a prehistoric sloth.(:

They are usually found living in South America in the Rainforests, hanging upside down in trees and hanging from branch's.(: (or atleast in my mind.^_^)

There about the size of a house cat and have dense furry yellow fur.

some interesting things baout them is that they are related to hte armadillo and ant eater, they have three toes on the front hands and five on the back and that their vegetarians.


so I'm going to start out with blog with a side note. Blogging now sucks. I used to like it but not anymore so please excuse the post if it's boring, I just need an A in Hansen's.(:

So my animal topic today will be zebras.(: Zebras are personally one of my favorite animals because their just like cooly decorated horse's that roam free ha ha ha.(:

Zebras can get anywhere from 50 to 60 inches in length and 485 to 990 in weight, depending on the species of the zebra, either Burchell or Grevy. Grevy's are usually the bigger type of zebra.

They live in woodland and open plains, mostly in Africa. They have to watch out for hunting dogs, leopards, lions, hyenas and cheetahs. If not hunted down by these predatorts, They can live to be about half the lifespand of a human, so about 40 years.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Gorillas are primates, and out of them all they are by far the biggest. An adult male can get up to 6 feet tall and weigh 00 to 500 pounds. His arm spand is bigger than how tall he id by two feet and the yhave the strength of 4 to 6 human men.

Gorillas have thumbs on their feet instead of big toes and walk on their knuckles instead of their feet, so its kind of opposite than us. Most of the time when they stand up in just their feet like a human it is to do a chest "slap." i was going to add a video to show you but it would upload so here's the URL.::: Enjoy.(:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Most people know Turkeys for thanksgiving grubbin', but they don't know some cool facts behind the food that gets put on their plate. Today i will share a few with you.(:

So turkeys don't come from Turkey, they com from woodland areas, and they have darker complected feathers to blend in with their natural habitat.

The male turkeys will spread their tail feathers as a mating sign to let the female turkeys their ready to "get it on." :D Hahahahaa, any who....

turkeys are capable of flying but most of them are actually too fat to lift off the ground.

When the babies are born they will fly with their mother for a whole year, except for the first couple of weeks, because they are still unable to fly.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


A jaguar is a big cat. they weigh a lot, anywhere from 200 to 250 pounds, they are between 5 1/2 and 8 feet long, including their tail. they will eat about anytyhing they can catch but prefer to catch bigger animals, like deer and tapir.

you can find these beautiful cats in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and south America but they are usually found near water. Pretty cool because they can swim.(:

Friday, April 16, 2010


I don't feel like blogging today, school is especially boring to me for some reason at this moment. So i'm keeping this one short.

Penguins are pretty cool specie's, they mate with one other penguin, have eggs/babies and stay with that onther penguin for life, pretty amazing right? That's how marriage should be haha. another weird thing about them laying eggs is that once the female penguin lays the egg, the male is the one that keep's it warm, not the mother.

Penguins can't fly, even though they are considered a bird, but they can swim and most other birds can't so they have an advantage. They can swim at like 15mph too.