In my opinion,
giraffe's are awesome. So I will be writing about them today. Ready? Set? Read!!!!(: Hahaha.
Giraffe's are huge. Just when it comes right out of it's mother's tummy, it is already 6 feet tall! Another weird thing is, the
giraffe is one of the only animals that is born already with a horn. Ouch.:/ When a
giraffe takes a step, each one of them coverfs about 17 feet and their tongue alone is about 27 inches long.
Have you ever wondered why they have such long necks? Well, they need them to survive. Since they are
vegetarians, they need a long neck to reach all of the
green food they eat from the tops of
trees. They eat a lot of it too, consuming more then 100 pounds of food per day sometimes.
Giraffe's Sleeping Habit is a lot different than a humans. They sleep stading up, and only get about 5 to 30 minutes a day of rest. Weird huh?